Sea Turtle Foundation are proud to announce a new partnership with Ocean Protect, a company dedicated to reducing ocean pollution through the design, installation and maintenance of stormwater treatment assets and infrastructure.
In early 2019, the company commissioned research into Australian attitudes to pollution and waterways and found that there are very high levels of concern within the community about the health and cleanliness of creeks, rivers and the ocean.
Whilst awareness about plastic pollution has increased dramatically in recent years, it is only part of the issue. Getting less attention are the toxins and pollutants including sediments, heavy metals, nitrogen, phosphorous and cigarette butts that flow to the ocean from stormwater runoff. All of these pollutants can pose threats to the health and survival of turtles and other marine species.
Ocean Protect is also investing in education around urban stormwater and its impacts on the environment. Company co-founder, Jeremy Brown said he was shocked to find almost half of all Australians think the leading source of pollution in the city and suburban waterways is illegal discharging and dumping when it’s actually stormwater runoff.
Sea Turtle Foundation were very grateful to receive a donation of $10,000 to support our work and look forward to an on-going relationship and the opportunity to work together to protect our seas.