Sea Turtle Foundation is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible in Australia.
You can use the donation form to the left to make a one-off payment or a recurring payment. Your support is always greatly appreciated
Your donation helps us deliver on our activities including public education, advocacy campaigns, research, and our efforts to support turtle rescue and rehabilitation.
Key priorities for marine turtle conservation include:
Education – of the general public. Our education programs cover the impact of climate change – especially sea level rise and higher sand temperatures during incubation causing an extreme feminisation of hatchlings – , protection of turtle nesting areas from humans and animals, and reducing man made impacts.
Beach clean-ups – of nesting areas. Our beach clean-ups ensure beach nesting areas are as attractive as possible when the turtles arrive to lay their clutches of eggs.
Advocacy – to improve turtle outcomes. Our current advocacy projects involve reducing turtle injuries and deaths from boat propeller strikes, and reducing light pollution in turtle nesting areas.
$20 Donation – Educates one student on actions they can take to improve the lives of sea turtles
$50 Donation – Purchases 3 hand held grabbing tools and collection bags to allow us to safely conduct our beach clean ups.
$100 Donation – Funds one hour of a campaign expert’s time to help us develop our advocacy programs and makes sure they are as effective as possible.
You can donate to us if you use our Containers For Change code when you recycle bottles and cans in Queensland. C10012195

You can also donate to us when you recycle via ReCollect.