See some of our volunteer run events below
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Contact us if you would like to give us a hand.
We are currently looking for the following volunteers Australia wide:
● Content development (Social Media, Blog articles)
● Fundraising coordinator (identifying potential grants, writing grant submissions,
reporting, analysis and planning of activities)
We are currently looking for the following volunteers in Townsville (Queensland) where the Sea
Turtle Foundation head office is located:
● Volunteers to assist Foundation staff at local schools and community events
● Volunteers for beach clean up activities

General Volunteer
As a not-for-profit organisation, we often have tasks that we struggle to complete. General volunteers assist the team with various tasks and duties. Some of
the tasks that general volunteers may undertake are administration tasks, dealing with inquiries from the public and other stakeholders, and assisting with stalls at community events and market days.
Please note: While there is the occasional opportunity for volunteers to take part in field work, these are rare, and the majority of the help we need doesn’t involve direct contact with turtles.
Stranding Volunteer
The Sea Turtle Foundation coordinates marine animal stranding response in the Townsville Region in collaboration with the Queensland Government. In order to respond to the calls for both dead and live animals throughout the region, the Foundation
uses a call list of trained volunteers to assist.
No prior knowledge of Sea Turtles is required, however, all volunteers are required to undertake training prior to attending standings. It is necessary for volunteers to have their own transport.